6 Psychological Tricks That Should Be Illegal

​Master the Art of Persuasion: Psychology's Secrets to Influence. learn how visuals, words, and unity can shape our decisions.

6 Psychological Tricks That Should Be Illegal

In a world where your choices feel uniquely your own, it's somewhat unsettling to discover the powerful role persuasion plays in those decisions—often without your conscious realization. The examination of various psychology books on the topic reveals an astonishing truth: manipulation is much easier and more hidden than most of us would like to believe. This realization is both fascinating and slightly terrifying, as it unravels the power of persuasion in shaping our thoughts and actions, often without our awareness.

Subconscious Influence of Surroundings

In one experiment, a handsome man approaches women in a shopping mall, asking for their phone numbers. The success rate of his requests dramatically increases when these interactions occur in front of a flower store. Why? Flowers, brimming with romantic connotations, subconsciously steer individuals towards more open, romantic decisions—showcasing the power of environmental cues in shaping behavior.

Further illustrating the impact of visual cues, in another experiment reveals a man carrying a guitar case receiving a higher number of affirmative responses to date requests compared to when he carries nothing. The guitar case, perhaps evoking images of creativity and allure, subtly influences perceptions and decisions.

Influence of Background Images

Background images in our environment can have a strong impact on our preferences and choices. For instance, an online furniture store used background images of soft clouds to make customers prioritize comfort over cost, in stark contrast to another group exposed to coin imagery, who then sought cheaper options. The fascinating aspect? None of the participants recognized these visual cues' sway over their choices.

Similarly, a man carrying a guitar case, as opposed to being empty-handed, receives more affirmative responses when asking women out on a date.

There is one study involving 18-month-old children showed that the presence of certain images could foster cooperative behavior. When shown a picture of two people standing close together, these young participants were more likely to help researchers pick up dropped items compared to those shown images of individuals standing alone or apart. This highlights our innate response to visual cues of unity and cooperation.

The Subtle Power of Words

Words wield a remarkable power to shape perceptions and outcomes. A salesperson struggling to sell a high-priced product made a minor, yet impactful, adjustment to his pitch. By humorously suggesting he couldn't possibly charge a million dollars for the product, he set a psychological anchor that made the actual price of $75,000 appear more reasonable by comparison. This tactic effectively dissuaded negotiation attempts, demonstrating how framing and context manipulation can alter price perception.

Influencing Through Self-Identity

Marketers faced resistance while introducing a new energy drink until they prefaced their request by querying individuals about their adventurousness. This approach, by aligning the product trial with personal identity (adventurousness), significantly increased the willingness to try the new product. This method subtly reinforces how self-perception influences openness to new experiences.

The Power of Unity in Persuasion

A personal anecdote involving a banker illustrates the influential role of unity in persuasion. By mentioning that a particular investment product was one he'd recommend to his mother, the banker not only captivated attention but also fostered a sense of trust. This strategy leverages the principle of unity, suggesting a shared identity or values, to enhance receptivity to a message.

Persuasion Through Shared Identity

Robert Cialdini's experiment, involving a small incentive for student participation if their parents completed a survey, remarkably increased parent response rates to nearly 97%. This demonstrates how invoking family-driven unity can significantly motivate action, highlighting the profound impact of perceived shared benefit on cooperative behaviour.

Practical Tips for Persuasion

Here are six actionable tips to ethically utilize persuasion in everyday scenarios:


In persuading through unity and generosity, offering gifts to clients' family members can create a deeper impact than direct gifts, tapping into the familial bond for a persuasive edge.


Phrasing matters. Asking for 'advice' fosters a sense of partnership and increases cooperative responses compared to asking for 'opinions' or 'feedback'.


If you seek a raise or favour, use moments of achievement or positive feedback to make your case, capitalizing on the favourable atmosphere.


Surround yourself with symbols of your goals. Visual environmental cues can subconsciously steer our focus and actions toward achieving those goals.


Before presenting your message or request, subtly align the other person’s mindset with the desired outcome. This could significantly increase your chances of a positive response.

Ethics in Persuasion

It's crucial to employ these tactics ethically, emphasizing mutual benefit. Misuse not only risks backlash but can erode trust and cooperation within any community or organization. Furthermore, being aware of these tactics can safeguard against manipulation, promoting informed and autonomous decision-making.

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