Alternatives to getting back in shape when you've lost your 'Why.'

Going to the gym is no longer working for you. You feel dread whenever you think about having to go there

Alternatives to getting back in shape when you've lost your 'Why.'
Photo by Anthony Tran / Unsplash

Going to the gym is no longer working for you. You feel dread whenever you think about having to go there. Not to mention the hassle of preparing, commuting, finding a parking spot, enduring loud music, and coordinating your schedule around avoiding peak hours. It's just too much, and it feels like a massive chore.

Feeling unmotivated with traditional workouts is a common struggle that many people face. Going to the gym, running on the treadmill or lifting weights can sometimes become monotonous and boring, leading to a lack of motivation and eventually giving up on fitness goals altogether. So, if you constantly make excuses to skip your workout or dread it, you are not alone.

Understanding Dopamine's Role in Motivation:

Dopamine serves as the brain's internal reward system, driving us towards goals by providing a sense of pleasure or satisfaction when we achieve them. However, Dr. Huberman emphasizes that dopamine release is subjective and can be influenced by our thoughts, actions, and beliefs. By attaching dopamine to the process of effort rather than just the result, we can fuel our motivation to keep pushing forward.

Balancing Dopamine and Epinephrine Systems:

Apart from dopamine, another important neurotransmitter at play is epinephrine (adrenaline). These two chemicals work together to create a cycle of craving work followed by achievement. Understanding this interplay between dopamine and epinephrine helps maintain a balance between energetically pursuing goals without burning out.

Being physically active has been shown to improve mood and reduce stress levels by releasing feel-good hormones called endorphins. This illustrates how taking care of our physical body can positively impact our mental state.

Subjective Nature of Positive Thinking:

Positive thinking has been linked to increased dopamine release due to its ability to shape our perception of possibilities in the outside world. However, it is essential for positive thoughts to be honest rather than delusional. By connecting positive thoughts with progress made towards goals rather than focusing solely on reaching the finish line, individuals can sustain their momentum towards success.

The mind-body connection suggests that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviour are closely related, meaning changes in one aspect can affect others. For example, when we experience stress or negative emotions like anxiety or anger, it can manifest as tightness or tension in our muscles. This tension can lead to headaches, digestive issues, and other physical symptoms.

Self-Rewarding Behavior:

Dr Huberman stresses the importance of self-reward to reinforce positive behaviours associated with goal pursuit. Taking time to appreciate one's achievements while linking those feelings to the effort invested in attaining them helps solidify neural pathways associated with motivation.

Building Habits for Success:

The formation of habits plays a significant role in sustaining long-term motivation and productivity levels. Breaking down large goals into smaller tasks makes them more achievable and triggers dopamine release each time an objective is completed. This continual reinforcement through habit formation keeps individuals engaged in their pursuits over an extended period.

Finding Your Sweet Spot:

Everyone has a unique threshold for balancing effortful pursuits with restorative activities to prevent burnout.
Experimentation may be required until you find your ideal balance point where you feel energized yet not overwhelmed by your endeavours' demands.

Terry Crews wrote about going to the gym, reading a magazine in the changing room, and then returning home. As a result, your mental entry barrier is removed and you feel comfortable just going again. As the adage goes, the door is the heaviest weight in the gym.

Finding Your Fitness Groove:

So, how do you find your "fitness groove?" The first step is figuring out what activities you enjoy or have always wanted to try. It could be anything from dancing or hiking in nature to playing sports or practising yoga.

Another way to spice up your fitness routine is to incorporate technology into your workouts. Plenty of online workout programs, apps, and virtual classes offer exciting and innovative ways to stay fit without leaving home.

Furthermore, if working out alone feels mundane or demotivating, why not join a group fitness class? Group workouts provide accountability while still being fun and challenging. Try joining a local dance class or an outdoor boot camp with friends.

Participating in group fitness also has positive psychological impacts beyond physical health benefits. The release of endorphins during exercise leads to improved mood, reduced stress levels, and increased self-confidence. Being part of a supportive community can also boost self-esteem and reduce feelings of isolation.

Research shows that people tend to work out longer when exercising in groups than when exercising alone. When surrounded by like-minded individuals striving towards similar goals, we often push ourselves harder and longer than we would. This results in more efficient and effective workouts and better physical fitness outcomes.

Don't be afraid to experiment and switch things up. It's essential to have a mix of activities in your fitness routine to avoid boredom and plateauing. Cross-training (alternating between different types of exercises) is highly effective in keeping things fresh and challenging for the body and mind.

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